Mean-standard deviation-conditional value-at-risk portfolio optimization

Maziar Salahi; Tahereh Khodamoradi; Abdelouahed Hamdi

Volume 3, Issue 1 , September 2023, , Pages 83-98

  The use of variance as a risk measure is limited by its non-coherentnature. On the other hand, standard deviation has been demonstrated as acoherent and effective measure of market volatility. This paper suggests theuse of standard deviation in portfolio optimization problems with cardinalityconstraints ...  Read More

Presenting a comparative model of stock investment portfolio optimization based on Markowitz model

Samaneh Mohammadi Jarchelou; Kianoush Fathi Vajargah; Parvin Azhdari

Volume 2, Issue 2 , December 2022, , Pages 129-150

  Investment is the selection of assets to hold and earn more pro t for greater prosperity in the future. The selection of a portfolio based on the theory of constraint is classical data covering analysis evaluation and ranking Sample function. The in vestment process is related to how investors act in ...  Read More

Robustness in Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization

Shokouh Shahbeyk

Volume 2, Issue 2 , December 2022, , Pages 195-204

  In this paper, we discuss some of the concepts of robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization problems. An important factor involved with multi objective optimization problems is uncertainty. The uncertainty may arise fromthe estimation of parameters in the model, error of computation, the ...  Read More

Network centrality and portfolio optimization using the genetic algorithm

Asghar Abolhasani Hastiany; Alireza Zamanpour

Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2021, , Pages 113-139

  This study aims to optimize the portfolio using the genetic operator and network centralization. The statistical population of the study is the top 50 companies of Tehran Stock Exchange, in the first quarter of 2021, and to calculate the size of centrality, we used the difference in the overall performance ...  Read More