Thank you for your interest in Journal of Mathematics and Modeling in Finance (JMMF). These instructions will help you prepare your paper and ensure a smooth editorial process. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal's requirements.

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English and all submissions to the JMMF should be made online at the‎ ‎journal official website. ‎New users should first create an‎ ‎account‎. ‎Once a user is logged on to the site submissions should be made via the Author Centre‎.‎

• This style file is for authors who are preparing papers for the JMMF using the LaTex document preparation system and the Class file amsart.cls. The JMMF is an author-prepared journal which means that authors are responsible for the proper formatting of accepted manuscripts by using the style file of the JMMF. ‎Papers prepared in Word files *.doc or out of the style of the JMMF will not be‎ ‎considered‎.

• Thus while you are preparing your paper, please download the template LaTeX manuscript style files ( and take care of the following:


1. Manuscript Submission     

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before, read more               


2. Permissions               

Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published  read more         


3. Manuscript Components     

Manuscripts must include, respectively:

Title Page

• Abstract

• Classification (if any)

• Keywords

• Body Text

• Acknowledgments (if any)

• References

• Appendices (if any)

Manuscripts should be submitted in LaTeX. This  style file is  read more    


4. Length and Initial settings           

4.1 Articles:

Up to 7500 words (approximately 26 double-spaced pages), including the body text, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, and references. Read more 


5. Title Page         

The title page should include:

• The manuscript title.

•  The name(s) of the author(s).

• The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e., department, institution, city, (state), country.

•  A clear indication and an active e-mail address of the corresponding author. Read more


 6. Abstract         

• A concise (150 to 250 words) abstract is required at the beginning of each article and, read more



8. Keywords       

Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.         


9. Body Text 

The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively.  Read more 


10. Footnotes 

Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include read more


11. Tables   


Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. Read more


12. Figures       

Please read more about the following:      

12.1 Electronic Figure Submission

12.2 Accepted Figure File Types

12.3 Figure Captions

12.4 Color Mode

12.5 Figure Numbering

12.6 Figure Placement and Size

12.7 Accessibility

12.8 Permissions


13. Data Availability Statement                                                              


The JMMF requires that all topically relevant funding sources, including recipients and grant numbers, as well as conflicts of interest, read more


15. References 

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.

References should be listed in the alphabetical order according to the surnames of the first author at the end of the paper and should be cited in the text as described in 15.1.


15.1 In-text citations

 The in-text citation should consist of the author's name and year of publication [e.g., “according to Turing1995,” or “as shown by an earlier study Turing 1995”].

• When there are two or more papers by the same author in the same year, the distinguishing suffix (a, b, etc.) should be added.

If the citation is for a reference with two authors, use both author names [e.g., Neisy and Salmani 2013].

References with three or more authors are always cited as the first author's name followed by "et al." [e.g., De Marchi et al. 2018].


15.2 Dataset citations

• Citing dataset references in text

The in-text citations for dataset references should be formatted the same as other publication types, using the author’s name and year of publication [e.g., “dataset produced by Knutti (2014),” or “as shown by an earlier dataset (Knutti 2014)”]. Read more


15.3 References

 Journal article

•• Last name and initials of author(s) (if nine or more, the first author is followed by "and Coauthors"), year of publication, title of paper, title of journal (italicized), volume of journal (bolded) (issue or citation number (only if required for identification) (bolded)), page range, and DOI (if available).

•• Bos, L., De Marchi, S., Sommariva, A., Vianello, M., 2018, Computing multivariate Fekete and Leja points by numerical linear algebra, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis48 (5), 1984-1999.

•• Campagna, R., Cuomo, S., De Marchi, S., Perracchione, E., Severino, G., 2020,

A stable meshfree PDE solver for source-type flows in Porous media, Applied Numerical Mathematics149, 30-42,

•• Neisy, A., Salmani, K., 2013, An inverse finance problem for estimation of the volatility, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics53 (1), 63-77,


•  Book

•• Last name and initials of author(s), year of publication of book, title of book, publisher’s name (italicized), and total pages pp.

•• Fasshauer, G, E., 2007, Meshfree approximation methods with MATLAB, World Scientific Publishing, 491 pp.


• Chapter in a book

••  Last name and initials of author(s) of the chapter, year of publication of book, title of the chapter, title of book, name of editor(s), publisher’s name (italicized), and page range.

•• Franklin, A. W., 2012, Management of the problem, The maltreatment of children, Smith, S. M., Lancaster: MTP, 83-95. Read more


•  Dataset References

Whenever possible, datasets should be referenced directly via a listing in the references in the following style:

•• Dataset authors/producers, data release year: Dataset title, version. Data archive/distributor, access date (DD Month YYYY), data locator/identifier (doi or URL). Read more


•  Other

References should be to peer-reviewed literature whenever possible. Read more


• Conference proceedings, preprints, and extended abstracts

•• Last name and initials of author(s), year of publication, title of paper, name of conference (italicized), volume (bolded), city and state/country where conference was held, conference sponsor’s name, page range or paper number, and URL or DOI, if available.

•• Karimnejad, E. M., Neisy, A., De Marchi, S., 2020,Pricing Insurance Bonds Using RBF Method, The 6th FINACT-IRAN National Conference on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Tehran, Iran, IPM and Saman Insurance,

•• Neisy. A., 2010, Three critical problems in financial mathematics, 23rd International Conference of JANG-Jeon Mathematical Society, Ahwaz, Iran, University of Chamran & JANG Jeon Mathematical Society S. Korea, 8-10.


•  Dissertation/thesis

•• Author(s), publication year, Dissertation/thesis title, Dissertation/thesis, Thesis Department (needed only if M.S. thesis), University, total pages, and URL, if available.

•• Perracchione, E., 2017, RBF-Based Partition of Unity Method: Theory, Algorithms and Applications. University of Torino, 100.


•  Report/note/memo

•• Author(s), publication year: Report/note/memo title. Report/Note/Memo Name and number, total pages, and URL or DOI, if available. Read more


16. Appendices                                                                                         

17. After Acceptance               


18. Journal Ethics and Principles 

A manuscript is not further processed if any instance of plagiarism is discovered at any phase before its publication. Read more

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