Network centrality and portfolio optimization using the genetic algorithm

Asghar Abolhasani Hastiany; Alireza Zamanpour

Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2021, , Pages 113-139

  This study aims to optimize the portfolio using the genetic operator and network centralization. The statistical population of the study is the top 50 companies of Tehran Stock Exchange, in the first quarter of 2021, and to calculate the size of centrality, we used the difference in the overall performance ...  Read More

Portfolio selection by a non-radial DEA model: It’s application in Tehran stock exchange (TSE)

Hadi Bagherzadeh Valami

Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2021, , Pages 155-164

  In this paper, considering risks of a portfolio such as mean return, variance of returns, and moments of higher order as output variables including desirable and undesirable outputs, we introduce a non-radial and slack based score to measure efficiency of portfolios. Using the present measure, ranking ...  Read More