Presenting a comparative model of stock investment portfolio optimization based on Markowitz model

Samaneh Mohammadi Jarchelou; Kianoush Fathi Vajargah; Parvin Azhdari

Volume 2, Issue 2 , December 2022, , Pages 129-150

  Investment is the selection of assets to hold and earn more pro t for greater prosperity in the future. The selection of a portfolio based on the theory of constraint is classical data covering analysis evaluation and ranking Sample function. The in vestment process is related to how investors act in ...  Read More

Mathematical modeling of stock price behavior and option valuation

Moslem Peymany

Volume 1, Issue 1 , March 2021, , Pages 113-129

  This study emphasizes on the mathematical modeling procedure of stock price behavior and option valuation in order to highlight the role and importance of advanced mathematics and subsequently computer software in financial analysis. To this end, following price process modeling and explaining the procedure ...  Read More