Ali Safdari-Vaighani; Pooya Garshasebi
The financial markets reveal stylized facts that could not be captured by Black-Scholes partial differential equations (PDEs). In this research, we investigate 3/2 stochastic volatility to pricing options which is more compatible with the interpretation of implied volatility. Numerical study and ...
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The financial markets reveal stylized facts that could not be captured by Black-Scholes partial differential equations (PDEs). In this research, we investigate 3/2 stochastic volatility to pricing options which is more compatible with the interpretation of implied volatility. Numerical study and calibrations show that the 3/2 model incorporating jumps effectively encompasses key market characteristics attributed. However, it requires more estimating parameters in comparison to the pure diffusion model. Stochastic volatility models with jumps describe the log return features of the financial market although more parameters are involved in estimations.