Document Type : Research Article
1 Insurance Research center
2 Allameh Tabatabaei Univesity
3 Researcher of Insurance Research Center
The rating of insurance companies is one of the necessary and operational policies to regulate and evaluate the performance of the insurance industry. It informs shareholders, customers, insurers, and even regulatory authorities, as well as formal and informal support bodies, about the current performance of insurance companies and their capabilities and prospects for the future.
The rating of insurance companies in terms of the regulatory indicators and decision-making and implementation of the administrative measures for the companies based on the regulatory rating of each company is one of the needs of the regulatory body. Therefore, doing this properly requires using the indicators in principal areas, weighting them according to their importance, and implementing the model, finally. For this reason, in this study, first, the effective indicators for the regulatory rating of insurance companies were identified using documentary studies and relevant writings, and the initial indicators were scrutinized and completed using the results of a questionnaire. Then, the indicators prioritization and weighting and implementation of the model for regulatory rating of insurance companies are performed for 2019. Weighting the indicators is done by the Shannon entropy method, and the rating of insurance companies is implemented under three different scenarios with the TOPSIS model and the weighted average method.
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